Boost your customer service with Simplydesk
Customer support software used by over 160,000 businesses of all sizes

Free trial for 30 days - without credir card

A Rich helpdesk, a host of features
Web based (Cloud) or On-premise
Responsive application, accessible everywhere via PC, Smartphone, Tablet
Quick and user-friendly set-up
Everything is designed for quick implementation and an efficient experience
Intuitive interface
What makes your customers and technicians adopt and use it
Improved communication
Web, mail, phone, chat, satisfaction surveys, permanent contact is guaranteed
Relevant Statistical Data
Measure your team’s performance and customer satisfaction
SLA and billable Management
Comply with your SLA and identify time spent and billable interventions
Embark on the experience of Simplydesk from today
Start your free trial of 30 days. No credit card needed. Without
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